The One about Navigating Newlywedded Spats

The One about Navigating Newlywedded Spats

Some people think the first months of marriage are the roughest. (These people probably haven't been married very long, in our rarely humble opinions.) Here's how to deal.

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Jenna wrote a book titled, "If It Was Easy, They'd Call the Whole Bleeping Thing a Honeymoon," for a reason: That blissfully blind newlywed stage doesn't last forever. And when the blush wears off, some folks are woefully unprepared for the reality of marriage. Today we discuss some landmines that might be lurking beneath your fledgling union--and how to sidestep them.


Phil Gungor

Phil Gungor

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Jenna McCarthy

Jenna McCarthy

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Diane Bray

Diane Bray


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