The One with About Post-Wedding Surprises

The One with About Post-Wedding Surprises

You think you know someone... and then you tie the knot. In this episode, we make fun of eight random things some newlyweds claim they didn't know about their partners until the honeymoon bills started to roll in.

Show notes

"For richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or for... what on earth?" Let's face it, when we're dating and even engaged, everyone's on their best behavior. Which means sometimes, when the wedding dust has settled, folks start to feel comfortable enough to let it all hang out. This can be sweetly endearing--or downright disgusting. If nothing else, listening to the weird things someone else's spouse is doing is likely to make you feel better about your own. You're welcome.


Phil Gungor

Phil Gungor

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Jenna McCarthy

Jenna McCarthy

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Diane Bray

Diane Bray


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