The One With RomCom Lines that Don't Work

The One With RomCom Lines that Don't Work

Sappy Big Screen scenes don't always work in the real world. In this episode, we pan RomCom love lines that would probably bomb IRL.

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Are mainstream movies to blame for unrealistic marriage expectations? Maybe! (We're not saying it's all Renee Zelweger's fault with that whole "you complete me" nonsense... but she's definitely part of the problem.) The fact is, despite what Hollywood would have you believe, happily ever after doesn't drop out of the sky after any single three-word phrase. Today the HMTOP experts weigh in on the cinematic love lines that may be setting the relationship bar impossibly high.


Phil Gungor

Phil Gungor

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Jenna McCarthy

Jenna McCarthy

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Diane Bray

Diane Bray


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