The One Where We Call Women (Lovely) Trucks

The One Where We Call Women (Lovely) Trucks

"Treat Her Like a Truck" is the title of a(nother) book Jenna wrote with Mark Gungor. The title is tongue in cheek; the book is smart and funny. Today we discuss.

Show notes

Ladies, take no offense. How does your dude treat his truck? Like a prized, precious possession, that's how! He buffs it, pours money into it, and checks in on it regularly to make sure it stays in tip-top shape. Does he wait for the engine to blow before giving it any love? Of course not! The minute that "check engine" light comes on, he's on it. We bet you wouldn't mind a piece of that! (Guys, take note.) In this episode, Jenna, Phil and Diane dissect TREATHER LIKE A TRUCK, which features wise and witty advice for making your marriage great again.


Phil Gungor

Phil Gungor

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Jenna McCarthy

Jenna McCarthy

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Diane Bray

Diane Bray


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