The One Where We Talk Boobies (Yes, Those Boobies) with Mark Gungor

The One Where We Talk Boobies (Yes, Those Boobies) with Mark Gungor

It's all Mark's fault. (It always is.)

Show notes

This special episode features Phil's pop, the hilariously one and only Mark Gungor, as in-studio guest of honor. Lots of topics are tossed about, but most of them pale in comparison to Mark's admission (confession? explanation? declaration?) that husbands will do pretty much whatever it takes to see their wives' naked bosoms. If this sounds depressing to the ladies ("Is that really all he cares about?" "Well, maybe mostly."), keep in mind this basically means that you hold all the marital power. You're welcome.


Phil Gungor

Phil Gungor

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Jenna McCarthy

Jenna McCarthy

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Diane Bray

Diane Bray


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