The One About Weekend Marriages

The One About Weekend Marriages

Can you be hitched just two days a week? Here's what's up with the new "part-time marriage."

Show notes

Apparently millennials are even more narcissistic than we ever thought: to wit, enter the weekend marriage, a supposed trend where couples exist separately during the week (sometimes in the same house, but preparing their own meals and coming and going as they please) and then live like a unit on the weekends. Is this mad drive to preserve independence a sign of healthy boundary setting--or is it a self-absorbed way of avoiding the sacrifice and compromise inherent to marriage? As you'd imagine, we have lots of thoughts. (Note: This week's catch-up intro is longer than most; the day's topic starts around the 26-minute mark. Sorry, Carol! Spoiler: Jenna cries. Again.)


Phil Gungor

Phil Gungor

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Jenna McCarthy

Jenna McCarthy

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Diane Bray

Diane Bray


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